Saturday, May 3

Lindsay "lu lu"

Lindsay is 5months old. She is such a joy in our lives! She loves her big sis, when Hailey’s not around her she is constantly looking for her and gets a big grin when she sees her! Lu Lu loves attention: P She has found that people pay a lot of attention to her high pitched screams. She does sleep thru the night and has four a couple of weeks. I can’t believe she has baby blue eye I love them and hope she keeps them! I have had such an easy time with her and know she is a true blessing. Lu Lu looks and acts a lot like Gabe she is very calm and sensitive! Two qualities I love about Gabe !


Shauna said...

Hi Wendy! "Lu lu" is beautiful! And Miss Hailey is too, all grown up! Tell those former NC'ers Elle's mom and Becca's mom hi :)

Barbara said...

She's SO cute! I love her blue eyes too! Your girls are sweet... bring 'em over more!