Wednesday, June 16

5 days 4 nights Stay :)

3 Weeks of: a high fever of 103.0 and above + two ear infections + pinkeye in both eye+ bad chest cold + strep throat = 8 Dr. Visits and 3 antibiotics. :( while everything else was cured by the 14th of may she still had a high fever everyday! It wasn't till I took her to the Dr. and showed them her when she wasn't on ibuprofen laying helpless crying and very lethargic. We gave her ibuprofen and within a hr she was running around sing and dancing! This was such a shock to the Dr. they didn't know what was causing the high fever since all the other symptoms had cleared up! The only sign of her being sick was this high fever! They did some blood work and urine test and came back with very high levels of white blood cells and protein in her urine. They admitted her to the hospital and spent the next few day at the hospital. Lulu had an Iv with strong antibiotic and we just waited to see what the blood test brought back. The first blood test showed signs of infection in the blood but came back neg after two more test. Her fever was gone by day two but since the positive blood test the had to keep her another 72hrs. When we left Lindsay was showing no signs of being sick! The whole time we were there nurse would stop in and comment on the happiest sick person at the hospital :) They were very impressed by her saying "thank you" after revising a blood test and getting her iv put in! Yes she thank them! lol I am just glad this trial is over. I am also glad to have been blessed to stay the whole time with her. We got to bond so much over horrible hospital food and Disney movies :) Thank you for all your love and support to me and my family during this time!

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