Monday, June 8

Since when is 18 months the new Two?

My Sweet baby is now becoming more and more like a Two year old!She went to Nursery for the first time today and was Assume! Here fave words right now are of course NO! NO! NO! did i mention NO lol......." di aug in" which is do it again, more please. HI YA while kick her leg up karate maybe in the near future :) . MY fave lulu thing is her secrets she just started to sit on my lap move my hair away from my ear and go shshshshsh very softly or she will say luv u! Just ask her to tell you a secret and she runs right on over So fun!!!
Today she also sneezed a few times in a row the right after smiled and started faking the sneeze buy doing raspberries with her lips and throwing her head down then she covers her nose! My baby has also started biting UGGGG!! A dumb gene past down from me!!!! Just ask my big sis she got it just a few times from me lol OK more then a few!!! Well LULU has only made contact with skin once poor Haily! But yet Hailey had her fair bites too so what goes around comes around!!!


Alison said...

We love having Lulu in nursery. She's so easy going and good-natured. Alex's first "sentence" was "he-ya-go" short for here you go. I'll have to listen for Lulu's "di aug in".

Momtothree said...

man she is just so stinkin cute! That picture makes me want to just scoop her up!